Acupuncture for Breast Tenderness
Occurring anywhere from mid cycle onwards, premenstrual breast tenderness can be a distressing symptom, making life uncomfortable during the day and at night.
Caused by hormonal changes and imbalances throughout the cycle, this can cause both tenderness and swelling in the breasts. For many women it last for a day or two, for many others it can last for two weeks!
Chinese medicine draws no distinction between physical signs and emotional ones. Both are seen as stagnation of qi and as such breast tenderness is treated very similarly to premenstrual mood change , bloating or constipation. They all reflect stagnant energy. In this case stagnant qi in the channels causes the pain, while stagnant flow of water around the body causes the swelling.
This is why when the period arrives and the blood begins to flow, the energy all begins to move and the premenstrual symptoms can suddenly disappear. This can mean the arrival of the period comes as quite a relief.
By aiding the smooth flow of qi throughout the menstrual cycle, many patients can see a great reduction in all of their premenstrual symptoms. Both acupuncture and herbal medicine can be of great benefit in this case. For further description of how Chinese medicine views the menstrual cycle, please click here.
Both acupuncture and herbal medicine can be of great benefit for reducing premenstrual tension.