Dry Needling
Alongside traditional acupuncture at the clinic, many clients that come to us have been suggested to try dry needling
Dry needling is the practice of using acupuncture needles to treat muscle pain as well as tendon disorders (tendonitis for example) and some joint pain conditions. The technique was developed from acupuncture to be incorporated into a more westernised approach to medicine and the use of needling techniques. Dry needling aims to treat muscle pain by reducing localised muscle bundle contractions (trigger points) by overstimulating the local nervous system feedback loop. Dry needling also increases blood supply to the area and helps promote healing and there is also recent evidence that dry needling areas of longstanding pain my play a role in re calibrating the patients perception of pain i.e. increase the trigger required before pain is perceived in the brain.
Dry needling is very effective for treating long standing pain around the spine as well as shoulder and tendon conditions. Often the effects are immediate and can make a dramatic difference in pain control and management. It is often a simpler form of needling and can be referred to as trigger point acupuncture.
If you are interested in dry needling and or it’s difference to traditional acupuncture, please contact reception