Acupuncture Treatment for Asthma

The incidence of asthma has been steadily increasing in industrialised countries in the past decades. In spite of the introduction of several new drugs for the treatment of asthma, severe asthma is still by far the most common chronic debilitating disease in childhood and its mortality rate has not declined. Some researchers are investigating the possibility that long-term use of some anti-asthma drugs such as bronchodilators may be detrimental and may even have increased the mortality rate from this disease.

To approach this subject I will identify three groupings of asthma, namely :-

  1. Asthma which starts in early childhood and is often associated with eczema from birth.
  2. Asthma which starts early during childhood after repeated chest infections and the over-administration of antibiotics.
  3. Asthma which started later on in life due to a number of different factors.

The first group is the most difficult to treat and it related to a type of allergic asthma which is often triggered by common allergens such as house-dust mites, pollen, fungal spores, feathers, etc. It often runs in families and individuals who suffer from this type of asthma have reactions to common allergens. The treatment of this condition will certainly take several months, and, depending on the severity, even years.

The second group of asthma sufferers often have a history of upper respiratory infections which is either not treated properly or treated with antibiotics. This results in the retention of a pathogen (something which causes illness) in the Lungs which then interferes with the correct movement of energy in the Lungs. The presence of this pathogen in the Lungs predisposes the child to further respiratory invasions which makes the situation worse. Thus, a vicious cycle sets in when the child is progressively weakened. This type of asthma is easier to treat than the first group, especially in children. In most cases treatment should not take more than a few weeks.

The third group of asthma sufferers develop asthma later on in life and treatment will take several months at least. The cause of this type of asthma is a mixture of the following; repeated upper respiratory infections, irregular diet, emotional strain, overwork and excessive sexual activity.

A full consultation is necessary to identify what imbalances there are in the body, and the possible causes. Acupuncture and herbal medicine work by strengthen the function of the lungs and boosting the immune system and it’s ability to deal with pollutants and aggravants.

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