Acupuncture Treatment for Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is a painful condition characterized by pain on the outside of the elbow which can radiate up or down the arm. Medically known as lateral epicondylitis, tennis elbow is one of the most common injuries suffered by professional athletes, keen sportsmen and non-athletic people alike. Caused by frequent and over rotation of the wrist and forearm.
Acupuncture works by invigorating the flow of qi and blood throughout the area in order to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and promote the body’s own healing ability. With associated techniques of electro-acupuncture and cupping, the best results can often be achieved.
Often succeeding where physiotherapy cannot, acupuncture is very effective in the treatment of this condition and does not have any of the associated side effects of steroid injections. Usually a course of 4-6 treatments can see the problem resolved. Tennis elbow is one of the conditions which the World Health Organization states can be effectively treated with acupuncture.
Case study
Peter came to the clinic having suffered from tennis elbow for 3 months. A self confessed cynic towards acupuncture, he came in having had 8 sessions of physiotherapy with no improvement. He had previously had 2 steroid injections in the elbow, several years ago which helped for 6months or so before the condition returned. His pain meant he was unable to play squash. Within 3 acupuncture sessions, Peter had considerable improvement and within 6 sessions the pain had gone. A couple of further treatments to fully address the underlying cause and the condition was fully resolved.Two years later on a follow up call, Peter has had no reoccurrence of the problem.